19Jun, 2017

Retail and Consumer Product

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Retail serves a broad spectrum of numerous aspects involved in Retail Industries businesses across major functional strategic areas: build customer loyalty, optimized organizational structure, and develop distinctive operations processes topics to find new ways to make valuable asset—people—more productive. Our practice is focused on reshaping the workplace of the future through benefits, talent management and rewards strategies as well as solutions to manage effectively brand portfolios and individual brands. Consumer product serves a broad spectrum of consumer product manufacturers on a range of strategic, organizational and operational topics. We serve […]

19Jun, 2017

Public and Government

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Public Sector focusing in institutional and human resource development, investment strategies, investors’ mediation, community development, regional promotion, as well as regional research. Our commitment is to work based on the standards of professionalism and integrity, and also holding code of ethics of professional consultants. Transformation continues to be of great significance to governments of today. Currently under scrutiny are the ways programs are developed, funded and delivered. The issues are complex and intermingled: transparency and accountability, infrastructure renewal, and alternate service delivery. Governments able to master change will thrive; those […]

19Jun, 2017

Property & Construction

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We provide comprehensive consultancy services in property sector. This sector is expanding impressively along with the domestic fast economy growth and increasing demand of property from the big population of the country. Supported by competent team of consultants with very long standing experience in property industry in various segments, we deliver following services: Our services cover the area of: Feasibility Study Providing sharp analytical feasibility study on various project related with the property and real estate development, in residential, housing, apartments, condominiums, high rise buildings, and other project financing. The […]

16Jun, 2017

Energy & Resources

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The Vibiz Consulting team provides financial advisory, risk management, tax and consulting services in mining, oil & gas and power & utilities. Our network of industry specialists helps facilitate new investments and address the evolving challenges of running a national or global business. Vibiz Consulting has experts that can help you come out on top. Our services cover the area of: Mining Usually mining corporations are faced with technical challenges such as one or all of the below: Exploration and work environment in the secluded area. Experts (geologist, mining engineer, […]

15Jun, 2017


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We have integrated property development model, from land acquisition and/ or sourcing, to design and development, to project management, sales, commercial leasing and marketing, to the operation and management of superblock developments, shopping malls, offices, hotels, and residential apartments and houses. Our services cover the area of: Property Business Academy Property Business Academy is an education institution dedicated for property business sector. It is designed to expand the knowledge and skill of any property interested individuals, investors as well as the industry players to develop them to be both the […]

25Nov, 2016

Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Politik dan Penyakitnya

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Bernhard Sumbayak, Founder and Advisor Vibiz Consulting (25 November 2016) ==================================================================================================================== Sebagaimana halnya pertumbuhan seorang anak dari bayi sampai dewasa, maka pada tahapan pertumbuhannya mempunyai masa rentan terhadap penyakit sesuai dengan ketahanan tubuhnya. Penyakit yang membahayakan balita bisa jadi tidak lagi membahayakan bagi anak usia remaja, tetapi di usia remaja ada ancaman penyakit lain pada usianya. Demikian halnya pertumbuhan ekonomi, politik sebuah negara memiliki masa pertumbuhan dan juga penyakit yang menjangkitinya. Kita sebagai para pelaku ekonomi sangatlah perlu memikirkan dan mengantisipasi pada tahapan apa negara kita sekarang berada ? Ada […]

21Jun, 2016

Mengapa Kita Berinvestasi Di Obligasi?

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Bernhard Sumbayak, Founder and Advisor Vibiz Consulting (21 Juni 2016) ================================================================================================================== Selain berinvestasi di saham, obligasi juga merupakan instrumen investasi yang menarik. Berbeda dengan saham, obligasi adalah bukti surat utang yang diterbitkan suatu lembaga atau perusahaan untuk jangka waktu tertentu dan menawarkan tingkat bunga (kupon) yang dibayarkan secara berkala, bisa tiga bulan, enam bulan atau satu tahun hingga masa jatuh tempo. Pada saat jatuh tempo pokok obligasi akan dibayarkan penuh oleh pihak yang menerbitkan obligasi. Penerbit obligasi bisa perusahaan swasta, BUMN (badan usaha milik negara), atau pemerintah baik pemerintah pusat […]

19Feb, 2016

Utang Luar Negeri Indonesia, Masih Amankah?

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Bernhard Sumbayak, Founder and Advisor Vibiz Consulting (19 Februari 2016) ==================================================================================================================== Baru-baru ini, Bank Indonesia (BI) merilis data posisi utang luar negeri Indonesia untuk akhir 2015. Tercatat bahwa Singapura masih menempati posisi teratas sebagai negara pemberi utang Indonesia. Sementara, dari organisasi lembaga, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) atau anak usaha Bank Dunia yang menempati posisi pertamanya. Selain itu, tercatat bahwa utang luar negeri Indonesia secara keseluruhan per November 2015 tumbuh 3,2 persen year on year (YoY), menjadi sebesar US$304,6 miliar atau sebesar Rp4.241 triliun. Sejumlah kalangan kemudian menilai […]

11Jan, 2016

Indonesia Masih Unggul dalam Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Tahun 2015

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Bernhard Sumbayak, Founder and Advisor Vibiz Consulting (11 Januari 2016) ================================================================================================================= Memasuki tahun yang baru, ekonomi Indonesia telah melewati salah satu periode yang penuh gejolak di tahun 2015. Presiden Jokowi menyebutkan bahwa kemungkinan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia di tahun yang lalu akan sedikit lebih rendah dari tahun 2014, tetapi melewati tantangan dan gejolak ekonomi global banyak Negara lain yang mengalami penurunan ekonomi yang lebih parah. Seperti apa? Tahun 2015 oleh sejumlah lembaga dan media internasional disebutkan sebagai tahun yang penuh gejolak (turbulent), ketidakpastian, bahkan juga disebutkan tahun krisis. Mengapa? Di tahun […]

25Jul, 2015

Ekonomi Digital, Primadona Masa Depan Ekonomi Indonesia

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Bernhard Sumbayak, Founder and Advisor Vibiz Consulting (25 Juli 2015) =============================================================== Hari-hari ini penggunaan transaksi belanja secara online telah menjadi semakin melekat bagi kita sehari-harinya. Kita dapat memesan tiket hotel, pesawat, kereta api, pakaian, sampai makanan dan ojek via online. Dengan perangkat digital di tangan, masyarakat Indonesia semakin terbiasa berbelanja dengan efisien dan murah secara online atau daring (dalam jaringan). Pertumbuhan transaksi bisnis daring (e-commerce) di Indonesia dikabarkan mencapai 71 persen di tahun 2013, melampaui China yang menyentuh angka 61 persen, demikian menurut lembaga pemasaran eMarketer. Nilai transaksi e-commerce di […]