27Jun, 2017

Perbedaan Layanan Kepada Pelanggan. Apakah Etis?

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Zefanya Jodie Sumbayak, Head of Vibiz Learning Center ==================================================================================================================== Suatu siang saya sedang tugas ke luar kota dan ada urusan dengan bank dimana saya harus bertransaksi langsung di counter Teller di Kantor Cabang. Antrian cukup panjang dan kebetulan udara agak panas dan transaksi setiap nasabah agak banyak. Beberapa orang mulai gelisah. Kemudian ada seorang nasabah datang dengan menunjukkan kartu identitas sebagai prime-customer kepada Satpam, tidak lama kemudian muncul seorang petugas dari dalam dan melayani nasabah tersebut di counter khusus. Tiba-tiba terdengar teriakan kencang dari seorang bapak :” Apa-apaan itu…kenapa langsung […]

21Jun, 2017

Peran Key Account Manager sebagai Penentu Kesuksesan

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Keberhasilan sebuah perusahaan dalam dunia bisnis yang kompetitif tidak hanya bergantung pada hasil produktivitas yang dicapai tetapi juga bergantung pada kemampuan perusahaan untuk memuaskan keinginan pelanggan. Dalam perusahaan yang memiliki Key Account Management Program, peran seorang key account manager adalah sangat vital dalam menentukan kesuksesan perusahaan tersebut. Siapakah key accounts sebuah perusahaan? Mereka adalah sebagian kecil dari konsumen sebuah perusahaan yang memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap kelangsungan bisnis perusahaan tersebut. Biasanya mereka adalah 20% dari total pelanggan yang menyumbang 80% dari keuntungan perusahaan, sehingga mereka adalah faktor vital dalam kepentingan […]

21Jun, 2017

The Meaning of Intrapreneurship for A Leader

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Sebagai seorang pemimpin perusahaan, Anda harus mengenal Intrapreneurship. Jika perusahaan Anda mau berkembang. Tahukah Anda Richard Branson dari The Virgin Group, suatu perusahaan multinasional berkembang menjadi 200 cabang di seluruh dunia berkat intrapreneurship? Istilah Intrapreneurship masih asing di telinga kita walaupun mungkin dalam pelaksanaan teknis di lapangan sebenarnya sudah menjadi sesuatu yang dikembangkan perusahaan. Kalau “entrepreneurship” tentulah Anda sudah sangat sering mendengarnya , bukan? Sebelum memahami intrapreneurship ini, pernahkah Anda mendengar suatu quotes seperti berikut ini ? “Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.” Chris Grosser Berbicara mengenai entrepreneurship adalah bagaimana […]

19Jun, 2017

Vibiz Exclusive Property Services (VEPS)

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A unit of Vibiz Group which engaged in property agent who provide consulting and marketing services which has an orientation to a luxurious and exclusive property. We recommend property with premium quality as well as being an investment that can provide high yield.  

19Jun, 2017


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LEPMIDA is independent consultant focusing in institutional and human resource development, investment strategies, investors mediation, community development, regional promotion, as well as regional research. Our commitment is to work based on the standards of professionalism and integrity, and also holding code of ethics of professional consultants.

19Jun, 2017

Followership Leadership Center

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Followership Leadership Center ( F / L Center ) is a program of the Division Leadership , Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management ( LESM ) , part of the Vibiz Consulting Group , which focuses on developing one’s leadership . Why followership and leadership ? Because a person’s ability to lead is not obtained instantly , but through the process to be a follower first and then develop into a high quality leader . Followership and Leadership is a two side of coin that cannot be separated. Be a good follower […]

19Jun, 2017

Retail and Consumer Product

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Retail serves a broad spectrum of numerous aspects involved in Retail Industries businesses across major functional strategic areas: build customer loyalty, optimized organizational structure, and develop distinctive operations processes topics to find new ways to make valuable asset—people—more productive. Our practice is focused on reshaping the workplace of the future through benefits, talent management and rewards strategies as well as solutions to manage effectively brand portfolios and individual brands. Consumer product serves a broad spectrum of consumer product manufacturers on a range of strategic, organizational and operational topics. We serve […]

19Jun, 2017

Public and Government

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Public Sector focusing in institutional and human resource development, investment strategies, investors’ mediation, community development, regional promotion, as well as regional research. Our commitment is to work based on the standards of professionalism and integrity, and also holding code of ethics of professional consultants. Transformation continues to be of great significance to governments of today. Currently under scrutiny are the ways programs are developed, funded and delivered. The issues are complex and intermingled: transparency and accountability, infrastructure renewal, and alternate service delivery. Governments able to master change will thrive; those […]

19Jun, 2017

Property & Construction

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We provide comprehensive consultancy services in property sector. This sector is expanding impressively along with the domestic fast economy growth and increasing demand of property from the big population of the country. Supported by competent team of consultants with very long standing experience in property industry in various segments, we deliver following services: Our services cover the area of: Feasibility Study Providing sharp analytical feasibility study on various project related with the property and real estate development, in residential, housing, apartments, condominiums, high rise buildings, and other project financing. The […]