28Jun, 2017

Selasti Panjaitan

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She began his career as an internal audit staff in a general trading company which then continued into the Internal Auditor in a Group company engaged in the retail, manufacturing, life insurance, agribusiness and hospitality. Experience for more than 7 years in a futures broker. She is registered accountant from Economics Faculty of University of Indonesia (FEUI). Currently, besides many provide trainings in the field of marketing, Lasti also active as a speaker at investment seminars held by the company where he works and also on college campuses. She has […]

28Jun, 2017

Sharon Henny Novitasari

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Having working experience in some companies including PT. Asuransi Wahana Tata as a personal assistant to Directors and Chairman in 8 years. She joined Vibiz Consulting since 2012 as a Executive Marketing and experienced in consulting and marketing services which has an orientation in exclusive property. Currently she serves as Head of Vibiz Exclusive Property Services (VEPS).

28Jun, 2017

Emy Trimahanani

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Master graduate of the Faculty of Economy University of Indonesia. Having experience as a lecturer in the Faculty of Economics academics at various universities for about 10 years, with a concentration in marketing, financial and human resources. The next experience is in the banking industry for 12.5 years in one of the largest private banks in Indonesia, cultivate the field of human resources and corporate culture, sales and service, quality assurance and the last in the field of Training & Development. Experience in the field of education and teaching and […]

28Jun, 2017

Vera Herlina

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Vera Herlina is now Head of Management & Soft Skill Development of Vibiz Consulting. She began her career at Vibiz Consulting as a writer for the web blj.co.id, writing hundreds of articles, jurnals and columns of strategic management and leadership. As Coordinating Partner of the Leadership, Entreprenuership and Strategic Management, most of her passion in this field has made her a skilled trainer, speaker and motivator for 15 years. Aside of Vibiz, she is also a doctor as general practicioner till now. She obtained her master degree from UPH, majoring […]

28Jun, 2017

Zefanya Jodie Sumbayak

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Master of Business Administration graduate from IPMI International Business School in Jakarta, now acting as Coordinating Partner of Marketing & Soft Skill Development . She is also acting as Marketing Head in Vibiz Media. Zefanya Jodie Sumbayak, known as Fanya Jodie, began her career as a journalist and climb her career as the editor and analyst in Vibizmedia. Currently, she is active in Human Resources Division and handling the recruitment services, such as online recruitment, offline recruitment, and Job Fair exhibitions in several campus and shopping centers. She is also […]

28Jun, 2017

Daniel Sumbayak

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Daniel Sumbayak began his career as a web programmer on an IT company. He later expands his knowledge in Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and act as a trainer and as a junior consultant for Internet Marketing and SEO. He is also one of the co-founder of Batikweb, one of the pioneer internet marketing platform in Indonesia. Graduated from Universitas Bina Nusantara, majoring from Information Technology, Daniel is well-versed in all aspects of the ever-changing information technology world. Furthermore, he also has finished his Master of Management program, […]

28Jun, 2017

Kristanto Nugroho

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Nowadays serves as Deputy Chairman of Vibiz Group and monitoring of all business activities that take place in Vibiz Group. Graduated from Economics Faculty of University of Indonesia (FEUI) and began his career in banking at the Branch Banking to engage in develop banking delivery, after that he build his career in bank credit activity. With his experience in the field of bank credit then he turned his professional career in 1996 in the capital markets as Corporate Finance, particularly in the areas of fixed income securities. He also developed […]

28Jun, 2017

Bernhard Sumbayak

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Bernhard Sumbayak previously was the President Commissioner of a well known Indonesian futures company, a founder shareholder of Jakarta Futures Exchange. He founded Vibiz Group in 2004, that consist of: Vibiz Consulting Group, Vibiz Exclusive Property Services (VEPS), Lepmida, Vibiz Media and The Michael Resorts. As in the beginning, Vibiz Group started with various sales training modules for sales people, the first program in Vibiz Consulting Group. Later on, Bernhard developed a business unit engaged in property agent, consultancy and marketing services, especially for luxurious and exclusive segment, namely Vibiz […]

27Jun, 2017

Menemukan Unique Selling Proposition

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Fadjar Ari Dewanto, Coordinating Partner Business Advisory Services ===================================================================================================================== Pentingnya Unique Selling Proposition Unique Selling Proposition (USP) merupakan jantung dari sebuah bisnis, tanpa USP maka mustahil sebuah perusahaan memenangkan persaingan, merebut hati pelanggan. Beberapa literatur menyebutnya juga Unique Value Proposition (UVP), USP atau UVP yang didefinisikan sebagai keunikan atau nilai apa yang akan ditawarkan kepada pelanggan dari jasa atau produk yang dimiliki perusahaan. Misalnya media detik.com keunikan atau nilai yang ditawarkan adalah memberikan berita secepat mungkin dan diasosiasikan dalam nama web detik sebagai bentuk komitment dan juga promosi penjualan. Contoh […]

27Jun, 2017

MH 370 dan Manajemen Risiko

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Alfred Pakasi, MFP, CFP, CWM, Managing Partner of Vibiz Consulting Group ===================================================================================================================== Tidak kurang dari 10 pesawat militer, empat pesawat sipil dan 13 kapal sedang dikerahkan untuk mencari di mana pesawat yang hilang pada 8 Maret 2014 ini. Lebih dari 25 negara telah membantu untuk mencari tahu di mana persisnya pesawat tersebut pernah terbang dan lokasi hilangnya.  Biaya yang dikeluarkan juga mahal sekali. Inilah pencarian termahal yang pernah ada dan masih akan terus membengkak agaknya. Jumlah dana untuk pencarian MH 370 ini diperkirakan oleh para ahli akan menghabiskan biaya ratusan […]