
Belinda Kosasih

Coordinating Partner of Banking Business Services

Belinda was graduated from the Economics Faculty of University of Indonesia (FEUI) and also as a registered accountant. She began her career as an external audit staff in an Accounting Firm which then continued as a Finance Manager and an Internal Audit Head in a Private company engaged in the retail business for about 3 years.

The next long experience was in the banking industry for 26 years in two national private banks. She handled, among others, corporate banking business, treasury, SME credit, and retail banking such as credit card, mortgage, investment. Furthermore, she engaged widely also as an internal auditor, and in market risk and compliance area.

Belinda has also known as an experienced facilitator in providing training for the topics, such as Treasury, Audit, Compliance and Leadership. Beside that, she actively writing articles related to banking and investment subjects in online media.

After long service in banking industry, Belinda is currently joined Vibiz Consulting as Coordinating Partner of Banking Business Services.

Endah Caratri

Coordinating Partner of Business Advisory Services


Endah Caratri now is Coordinating Partner of Business Advisory Services of Vibiz Consulting. She is registered accountant from Economics Faculty of University of Indonesia (FEUI). She has experience in managing and handling various consultancy business including training programs for finance and accounting, taxation, feasibility studies, property valuation, market research, investment financing etc. Also make a feasibility study on various project related with the property and real estate development, such as in residential, housing, apartments, condominiums, high rise buildings, and other infrastructure projects.

Until now she is also an Executive Editor in and senior team in Vibiz Management Research Center. She wrote hundreds of Journals and Columns of financial, taxation, property, business and management. And also has written several research management.

Also has experience as Chief Financial Officer of a leading futures brokerage in Jakarta for the past ten years, which many involved in the financial sector, to coordinate and assist all departments and branches within the company to prepare the annual budget, preparation of daily cash flow projections, annual and quarterly basis. Also do the reporting, control, monitor and analyze the performance of each department and branch. She has experience as external auditor for six years from two of the leading CPA firm, Price Waterhouse Coopers and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, has audited various types of financial firms such as insurance companies, pension funds, securities firms, as well as service companies, manufacturing, and property, as a consultant who handles the company’s financial accounting system.

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Vera Herlina

Coordinating Partner of Management & Technology Services
Vera Herlina is now Senior Research Management of Vibiz Consulting. She began her career at Vibiz Consulting as a writer for the web, writing hundreds of articles, jurnals and columns of strategic management and leadership. As Coordinating Partner of Management and Technology Services, most of her passion in this field has made her a skilled trainer, speaker and motivator for 15 years.

Aside of Vibiz, she is also a doctor as general practicioner till now. She obtained her master degree from UPH, majoring in Human Resources Management, 2 years after finishing her study at Economics Faculty of Tarumanagara University. She is very interesting in developing human potential by exploring the brain sophistication. Her background in medicine has made extensive knowledge about human and made her become expert in developing leadership. She said “The greatest asset of human is the man himself and all human potential can be extracted and grown to the maximum”. Furthermore, she is a module maker, for banking and non banking for more than 10 years. She always makes unique module, mixing brain knowledge and management as a unique value proposition in training. Her life also devoted for youth leaders by joining in a non-profit organizations.

Born from an entrepreneur family has made her excellent in busines acumen especially in leading company strategically and making profit business. She is now continue to develop intrapreneurship in addition to entrepreneurship as center of excellent. She is also now is an expert for startup consultancy such as making a business model, business plan, business management and others.

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Maureen Adolvine S

Coordinating Partner of Wealth Planning Services

Maureen Adolvine S began her career in finance in early 1992 and has 38 years of experience in segment targeting and positioning, specializing in dividing the existing customer base into segments to drive engagement, align relevant strategies and tactics, and maximize profits.

She focuses on creating profitable customer engagement by building relationships at every touchpoint in banking, including digital platforms. She has demonstrated the ability to work in fast-paced environments, collaborate effectively, and maintain a strong focus on delivering projects on time and within budget.

She has served as a Project Team Leader in Retail Banking, focusing on funding and wealth management products and services, including refinancing transactions and beyond-banking facilities.

As the Coordinating Partner of Wealth Planning Services and a member of the Management Team at Vibizconsulting Group, she is also an active writer, contributing articles and market analysis columns to

Loni Tina

Head of Research

Now serves as a head of Vibiz Research Center, before she become Director of a leading futures brokerage in Jakarta, a frequent speaker commodity topics together with the Director BBJ in filling public lecture on campus of Faculty of Economics of University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Faculty of Economics UKRIDA, Jakarta, Magister Management of Economics Gajah Mada University, Magister Management of Agriculture Gajah Mada University, Jogyakarta, Economics Diploma of Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Faculty of Economics of Satya Wacana University, Salatiga, Lampung Polytechnic, University of Widya Mandala, Surabaya, STESIA, Surabaya and various seminars in various cities in Indonesia on the commodity. One of the lecturers of the Commodity Academy, as Commodity Expert from Vibiznews. Accountant of Faculty of Economics of University of Indonesia is the author of “Online Commodity Trading” is known among the investment community. Ever draw from the experience in an accounting firm, as a consultant who handles accounting system trading company. Working in the banking sector for 11 years, from the two leading National Private Bank to do the job of marketing, export and import, credit, treasury, custodians, financial institution and corporate banking, and train a management trainee in marketing and treasury.

Asido Situmorang

Senior Research Economic

Asido is now the Senior Research Economic of Vibiz Research Center and Editor in, that makes market analysis (fundamental & technical) and research of the economy and business of Indonesia and globally, as well as other related topics such as capital and money market.
He also actively writing hundreds of journals, analytical articles and columns in –the best investment web in the country. He wrote for Economy & Business, Foreign Exchange, Commodity such as Oil, Gold, Coffee, Sugar, Cocoa, Rubber, Tin etc, Index such as Dow Jones, S&P 500, Nasdaq, Nikkei, Hang Seng, Kospi, Shanghai Indexes, and also Indonesian Stocks.

He also has experiences of leading focus group discussion (FGD) on investments with Indonesia’s Investment Coordinating Board and others as well. He is also active as a trainer for investment, capital & money market and management.

Previously, he has worked in banking company for 10 years, lead and take a part to create policy and standard operational procedure in human resources, included for the executive positions and expatriates, and also leading for the HR system improvement.

Jul Allens Hutabarat

Senior Research Commodity

As a Senior Researcher in Commodity of Vibiz Research Center, Jul Allens Hutabarat makes market analysis (fundamental & technical) and research of global commodities.

He is also actively writing many articles and columns for market analysis in During 2005 – May 2012 he has joined VBLC and managing training programs and workshops for banking and other sectors as well. And since 2004 he has also active as a national leadership trainer.



Fadjar Ari Dewanto

Senior Research Economic

Fadjar is graduated from Economics Faculty of University of Indonesia (FEUI), He has broad experiences in variety area of business, such as regional investment, banking, multinational company, various kinds of function management and industry. He has held several positions in a fast growing company, Vibiz Group , prior to his current position, such as Director in ICT Division, Director Vibizresearch, CMO Vibizconsulting, Editor in Chief for Vibiznews and

He has the experiences of leading several big national and international projects such as project leader of clinic investment for several provinces at Indonesia, project leader of investment proposal rank research, project leader of community development at Lake Toba and Kamoro tribes of Papua, project leader of Indonesian Investment Opportunities Meeting at Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam, Abu Dhabi and also Dubai United Arab Emirates. He is now advisor for several Regents in Indonesia and member of expert team for regional investment. Together with BPHN Fadjar contribute to enhance investment law in Indonesia.

He wrote hundreds of Journals and Columns of Investment Opportunities, Selling Skill, Operation Management, Leadership, Investment Opportunities at Indonesia. He also trained hundreds of leaders on personality, leadership habit and situational leadership, and thousands of people in many kinds of areas such as Selling Skill, Negotiation Skill, Wealth Management, Human Resources, Services, project management, Regional Investment, and Corporate Culture. He has helped many companies and government for tourism investment development, leadership development, service excellence, feasibility studies, business due diligence, corporate finance, build best investment strategy, investment mediation, investment research, regional promotion, community development and capacity building.

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Emy Trimahanani

Head of Vibiz Learning Center
Master graduate of the Faculty of Economy University of Indonesia. Having experience as a lecturer in the Faculty of Economics academics at various universities for about 10 years, with a concentration in marketing, financial and human resources. The next experience is in the banking industry for 12.5 years in one of the largest private banks in Indonesia, cultivate the field of human resources and corporate culture, sales and service, quality assurance and the last in the field of Training & Development.

Experience in the field of education and teaching and research since she was active in the academic become a strong base for her role as a consultant in the field of strategic management. Furthermore, experience handle mergers, corporate restructuring, revitalizing corporate culture, change management and improvement of the standard of services in various companies.

Especially for experiences related to building service culture, Emy has experience building a culture of service in several banks. Step-by-step activities such as preparation of service standards, creating video service standards, measuring quality of service through Customer Satisfaction Survey, competitions and awards for front liners and branches, has been conducted. Until now Emy also a facilitator in a variety of topics related to service excellence for public seminars and inhouse training.

Emy had for almost 3 years experience in National Sales Management division that oversees thousands of bank marketing and sales personnel. Starting from recruitment, training, business development process, monitoring up to the preparation of the reward program. This experience really adds insight and ability in teaching and writing articles as well as in providing consultancy relating to sales & marketing. Until now Emy active as a facilitator for the selling skills, marketing strategy and key account management training.

In addition to expertise on the topics mentioned above, Emy also known as a motivational speaker, author and researcher associated with the service, strategic management, human resources and sales & marketing at published in online media. Emy is currently become Head of Vibiz Learning Center.

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Daniel Otto

Head Of Vibiz Outbound

Daniel Otto has started his career in a automotive company to manage marketing side for around five years time. Then he joined Vibiz Group to handle outbound activites in Vibiz Outbound for more than thirteen years. He has handled so many outbound programs for National and Multi-National Companies, which require a convincing concept and technique that the impact of the ongoing activities will have an impact on the work area. Currently he is acting as the Head of Vibiz Outbound (VBO), a unit of Vibiz Learning Center (VBLC).

Jimmy Andreas


Andreas Tarigan served as a head of Vibiz Outbound and with the experience that has been established since began his career as marketing, and then engage in a variety of private and government projects in these areas, the trade done extending from commodities, fuel up, technical equipment, ship to fixed assets.

Maruli Sinambela

Head of VEPS

Maruli Sinambela is graduated from an economics faculty, in his career, he has experiences in human resources group of a nationwide property company, involved in payroll and benefit team, recruitment and assessment, training and development. He is also a dynamic facilitator and motivator in trainings and seminars in topics, such as leadership, business management, and selling skill.
Maruli is also an Editor in, and He is currently an official registered journalist at the State Presidential Palace since 2015 until now, where he enjoyed following and covering the duties of the President.

Fu Handi

Head of Lepmida

Graduated from Bina Nusantara University majoring in Information Management, Fu Handi is expertise in investment consultant, IT and Telecommunication for 12 years in several National Private Bank Indonesia, such as Management Information Systems, Distribution Channel, Rebranding Project Card, Electronic Training Center, Call Center System Electronic Channels, Call Center and acquisition program

He is also as one of expert Trainer in Regional Promotion and Investment, VIMA Internet Marketing, Digital Marketing, E-Commerce, Social Networking, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Handi is currently become Head of Lepmida.

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