Selasti Panjaitan
She began his career as an internal audit staff in a general trading company which then continued into the Internal Auditor in a Group company engaged in the retail, manufacturing, life insurance, agribusiness and hospitality. Experience for more than 7 years in a futures broker. She is registered accountant from Economics Faculty of University of Indonesia (FEUI).
Currently, besides many provide trainings in the field of marketing, Lasti also active as a speaker at investment seminars held by the company where he works and also on college campuses. She has become one of the authors of the book titled “Stodex Online Trading” – Investment and Stock Index Futures and “Stock Trading and Option” with Kawi Santosa.
As Coordinating Partner of Stocks, Bonds, Currencies and Commodities of Vibiz Consulting, part of Management Team in Vibizconsulting Group she is also the Executive Director of Vibiz Securities Academy and Vibiz Forex Academy.
Linkedin : http://id.linkedin.com/pub/lasti-panjaitan/38/935/b16