Kristanto Nugroho
Nowadays serves as Deputy Chairman of Vibiz Group and monitoring of all business activities that take place in Vibiz Group.
Graduated from Economics Faculty of University of Indonesia (FEUI) and began his career in banking at the Branch Banking to engage in develop banking delivery, after that he build his career in bank credit activity. With his experience in the field of bank credit then he turned his professional career in 1996 in the capital markets as Corporate Finance, particularly in the areas of fixed income securities. He also developed a career as a director in the multi-finance companies that doing a leasing business, factoring and fund raising activities for projects that require funding from local or overseas bank.
In the field of financial business experience as well as a Director of the Auctions Company until 2006 and was also CEO of Commodity Futures Brokerage Company until 2011, in the field of commodity futures trading is resumed his career as Commissioner of the Jakarta Futures Exchange.
While its business outside the financial business, experience in handling IT Business, trading companies, property companies, some of the company are already listed on the Capital Market. Current activities outside the financial sector now he become Editor in Chief Vibiz Media.
Linkedin : http://id.linkedin.com/pub/kristanto-nugroho/73/233/661?trk=pub-pbmap