Fadjar Ari Dewanto
Fadjar is now Coordinating Partner of Business Advisory of Vibiz Consulting, Advisor of Lepmida. Graduated from Economics Faculty of University of Indonesia (FEUI), He has broad experiences in variety area of business, such as regional investment, banking, multinational company, various kinds of function management and industry. He has held several positions in a fast growing company, Vibiz Group , prior to his current position, such as Director in ICT Division, Director Vibizresearch, CMO Vibizconsulting, Editor in Chief for Vibiznews and Beritadaerah.co.id.
He has the experiences of leading several big national and international projects such as project leader of clinic investment for several provinces at Indonesia, project leader of investment proposal rank research, project leader of community development at Lake Toba and Kamoro tribes of Papua, project leader of Indonesian Investment Opportunities Meeting at Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam, Abu Dhabi and also Dubai United Arab Emirates. He is now advisor for several Regents in Indonesia and member of expert team for regional investment. Together with BPHN Fadjar contribute to enhance investment law in Indonesia.
He wrote hundreds of Journals and Columns of Investment Opportunities, Selling Skill, Operation Management, Leadership, Investment Opportunities at Indonesia. He also trained hundreds of leaders on personality, leadership habit and situational leadership, and thousands of people in many kinds of areas such as Selling Skill, Negotiation Skill, Wealth Management, Human Resources, Services, project management, Regional Investment, and Corporate Culture. He has helped many companies and government for tourism investment development, leadership development, service excellence, feasibility studies, business due diligence, corporate finance, build best investment strategy, investment mediation, investment research, regional promotion, community development and capacity building.
Linkedin : http://www.linkedin.com/pub/fadjar-dewanto/1b/883/15