Alfred Pakasi
Alfred Pakasi is an investment and financial consultant, active columnist in electronic and paper media, and known as a dynamic training facilitator. He was a banker in career for 16 years in several national private banks, specialized in credit marketing, risk management, research and business planning.
Graduated from Economics Faculty of University of Indonesia (FEUI), he has also engaged as a Chief Research and Economist in a financial institution for 3 years. He’s been known as a competent trainer in quite many fields, such as: banking credit and risk management, property business, investment strategy (in forex, stocks, commodities, property), leadership, as well as sales for about 20 years time. He is actively nowadays consulting banks for their business development and some BUMN (SOC’s) for their asset optimization purposes. This holder of three international professional degrees, i.e.: MFP, CFP, and CWMTM, has written four books on investment topics, and more will come.
He appears quite frequently in TV show and radio talk show highlighting business and investment market dynamics in MNC Business, O Channel, Pas FM, Smart FM, etc. He writes actively in several business media –paper and online- as well as the resource expert in those media. In Vibiz Group, Alfred is CEO of Vibiz Consulting Group and also Managing Partner of Vibiz Consulting. He is also the Managing Director of vibiznews.com –the best investment web in the country. Alfred is also co founder and CEO of Investment Indonesian Institute, academic who studies all types of investment both financial and non financial in full (comprehensive) and integrated. In association, among others, Alfred is the member of Financial Planner Association Indonesia (FPAI) and active executive of IRPA (Indonesia Risk Professional Association).
Linkedin : http://id.linkedin.com/pub/alfred-pakasi/73/223/53a?trk=pub-pbmap