Experience in the field of education and teaching and research since she was active in the academic become a strong base for her role as a consultant in the field of strategic management. Furthermore, experience handle mergers, corporate restructuring, revitalizing corporate culture, change management and improvement of the standard of services in various companies.
Especially for experiences related to building service culture, Emy has experience building a culture of service in several banks. Step-by-step activities such as preparation of service standards, creating video service standards, measuring quality of service through Customer Satisfaction Survey, competitions and awards for front liners and branches, has been conducted. Until now Emy also a facilitator in a variety of topics related to service excellence for public seminars and inhouse training.
Emy had for almost 3 years experience in National Sales Management division that oversees thousands of bank marketing and sales personnel. Starting from recruitment, training, business development process, monitoring up to the preparation of the reward program. This experience really adds insight and ability in teaching and writing articles as well as in providing consultancy relating to sales & marketing. Until now Emy active as a facilitator for the selling skills, marketing strategy and key account management training.
In addition to expertise on the topics mentioned above, Emy also known as a motivational speaker, author and researcher associated with the service, strategic management, human resources and sales & marketing at businesslounge.co published in online media. Emy is currently become Head of Vibiz Learning Center.
Linkedin : https://id.linkedin.com/pub/emy-trimahanani/36/30/a63