

In order to fulfill the arising needs of our clients particularly in the area of Credit, Treasury, Operational Management, Risk Management, Consumer and Retail Banking, as well as Strategic Management in banking or finance and related companies, we provide comprehensively education and consultancy services, among others, as follows:

Our Services Cover the area of:

Credit Management System

An end to end approach to develop or improve the bank’s credit quality, in terms of the system, procedure, technicalities and competencies. The full coverage process is available to enhance the quality of the loan portfolio, which is from the loan origination process up to the qualified collection methodologies. The approaches can be applied differently to commercial banking, consumer banking or micro banking segments.

Financial and Credit Analysis

Financial and Credit Analysis is the core skill required for every credit and marketing officer at all levels in order to produce qualified and sound credit portfolio. We provide comprehensive and end to end learning structured credit analysis for each segment: from corporate, wholesale, commercial, consumer banking up to the SME and micro banking. The content completely covers materials from accounting for lending, lending rationale up to the qualitative analytical; from minimum data for loan proforma up to the financial projection analysis and proper loan structuring as well as the qualified loan proposal. Sound, profitable and fostering growth credit exposures are the ultimate objectives for this program.

SME Banking

A pattern of bank financing to the sector of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). This is a potential segment which has its own resilience during the economic crisis period. Specific approach and handling of this market segment is a must for optimum portfolio financing. The program covers in-depth introduction to the business environment and the asset conversion cycle. Credit analysis at different stages with specific types of business should be considered. Whether in trainings and or in consultancy programs as required, we could provide well the needs.

Micro Banking

A complete and comprehensive approach in developing specialized segment or unit of micro banking. From operational procedures to the lending and saving methods based on the best practices characteristics of the mass market, will provide qualified services for a bank who intend to build or develop its highly profit spread micro financing.

Consumer Banking

The program includes the wide array of services and products applied for the consumer banking, from the product development, branch channeling distribution up to handling effectively problem loan management. It could cover the training and consulting programs for mortgage lending, car loan, as well as the unsecured assets.

Corporate and Investment Banking

Our service includes strengthening the corporate banking components knowledge, procedures and practices. It’s also equipping the segment with required specialized investment banking services, such as loan syndications, merger and acquisition, project financing, etc.

Loan Syndication

Bank financing for different type of industries, especially for the big scale, requires specific knowledge and skill. It requires some specialization of advance credit, such as the loan syndication that involves more than one bank creditors. The program will give both materials and guidance on the best practices of the loan participation and syndication.

Agribusiness Credit

Bank financing for different type of industries, especially for the specific industry, requires specific knowledge and skill, too, for instance the agribusiness credit. The program will give training materials or advisories on credit analysis of agribusiness sector, included the detail of typical industry of: palm oil, rubber, cocoa, etc.

Credit Policy and Procedures

Policy is just like a guiding light and corridor on which operational activities may be decided and executed. We could fully support, based on real long experiences, to develop or improve a complete and comprehensive credit policy based on the normal credit process for any line of business or segment.

Basic Treasury

Designed for those who want to better understand the concept of Treasury and its role in managing bank or company’s liquidity, thus could maximize the income, minimizing costs and controlling and managing at a sound level. Varieties of products and their functions will be explored for the benefit of the bank’s or company’s liquidity position.

Operational Excellence

Strong operational procedures and practices is one key to ensure sound banking operational. Our service will provide guidance on operational management, from head office to branches level, ensuring all components are in place and run efficiently and effectively.

Bank Integrated Risk Management

We provide service from developing up to strengthening the risk management design and operational within a bank. This includes of full coverage of credit risk, market risk and operational risk management, as well introducing the Integrated Risk Management coverage, concept and monitoring

Credit Risk Management

Credit risk is one of the most complex banking management. However, a sound portfolio of credit is a valuable asset for the bank to grow profitably. We provide applicable, measurable, and reliable credit risk management methodology and design that surely support the growth of the banking credit business. Whether in trainings and or in consultancy programs, we could fulfill completely the needs.

Market Risk Management

Our service includes of designing proper and dependable market risk management that will protect the bank interest of sound asset and liability management, equipped with a comprehensive monitoring model.

Risk Rating System

Providing effective methodology of measuring the risk of customer loan portfolio. This will give guidance for better account management. Along with the measurement in credit risk management, the rating system is a must have program of which we are your experienced partner to support.

Industry Rating System

The methodology is very powerful tools in determining the level of credit risk, since industry is one major component in calculating the risk. By having complete set of industries risk, the bank may have comprehensive mapping of its loan portfolio quality and how to anticipate the potential risk as well as the business focused.

Enterprise Risk Management

We could assist the non-financial industry companies who want to ensure its risk exposure safeties. By having enterprise point of view that covers the financial and operational risk potentials one company may from time to time monitor its healthiness and readiness against possible surprising events.

Economic and Banking Outlook

A comprehensive and accurate outlook in the whole economic sectors in global, domestic, and regional level, as well as the industry of banking in particular. The review is accompanied with sharp analysis and recommendations of what the client should do in facing the fast changing environment to survive and win the competition.

Strategic Business Development and Planning

Supporting the client in developing professionally its business development to fulfill the vision and mission along the rapid changing industry. A strategic winning plan will be suggested, supported with our long time experiences and extensive knowledge in the banking field.

Brand Communication

Brand, for banking and financial industry, is everything. To support the highly qualified reputation of the client, we are in the middle of the services: brand design, logo improvement, branch and head office design, and many others. This will be given only from the global class best practices.