Vibiz Research Center

Loni Tina

Senior Research

Now serves as a Senior Research of Vibiz Research Center, before she become Director of a leading futures brokerage in Jakarta, a frequent speaker commodity topics together with the Director BBJ in filling public lecture on campus of Faculty of Economics of University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Faculty of Economics UKRIDA, Jakarta, Magister Management of Economics Gajah Mada University, Magister Management of Agriculture Gajah Mada University, Jogyakarta, Economics Diploma of Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Faculty of Economics of Satya Wacana University, Salatiga, Lampung Polytechnic, University of Widya Mandala, Surabaya, STESIA, Surabaya and various seminars in various cities in Indonesia on the commodity. One of the lecturers of the Commodity Academy, as Commodity Expert from Vibiznews. Accountant of Faculty of Economics of University of Indonesia is the author of “Online Commodity Trading” is known among the investment community. Ever draw from the experience in an accounting firm, as a consultant who handles accounting system trading company. Working in the banking sector for 11 years, from the two leading National Private Bank to do the job of marketing, export and import, credit, treasury, custodians, financial institution and corporate banking, and train a management trainee in marketing and treasury.

Selasti Panjaitan

Senior Research Equity

She began her career as an internal audit staff in a general trading company which then continued into the Internal Auditor in a Group company engaged in the retail, manufacturing, life insurance, agribusiness and hospitality. She also has experience for more than 7 years in a futures broker. She is registered accountant from Economics Faculty of University of Indonesia (FEUI).

Currently, besides provide many trainings in the field of marketing, Lasti also active as a speaker in investment seminars included in the college campuses. She has become one of the authors of the book titled “Stodex Online Trading” – Investment and Stock Index Futures and “Stock Trading and Option” with Kawi Santosa.

As Coordinating Partner of Stocks, Bonds, Currencies and Commodities of Vibiz Consulting, part of Management Team in Vibizconsulting Group she is also actively writing many articles and columns for market analysis in and

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Asido Situmorang

Senior Research Economic

Asido is now the Senior Research Economic of Vibiz Research Center and Editor in, that makes market analysis (fundamental & technical) and research of the economy and business of Indonesia and globally, as well as other related topics such as capital and money market.
He also actively writing hundreds of journals, analytical articles and columns in –the best investment web in the country. He wrote for Economy & Business, Foreign Exchange, Commodity such as Oil, Gold, Coffee, Sugar, Cocoa, Rubber, Tin etc, Index such as Dow Jones, S&P 500, Nasdaq, Nikkei, Hang Seng, Kospi, Shanghai Indexes, and also Indonesian Stocks.

He also has experiences of leading focus group discussion (FGD) on investments with Indonesia’s Investment Coordinating Board and others as well. He is also active as a trainer for investment, capital & money market and management.

Previously, he has worked in banking company for 10 years, lead and take a part to create policy and standard operational procedure in human resources, included for the executive positions and expatriates, and also leading for the HR system improvement.

Jul Allens Hutabarat

Senior Research Commodity

As a Senior Researcher in Commodity of Vibiz Research Center, Jul Allens Hutabarat makes market analysis (fundamental & technical) and research of global commodities.

He is also actively writing many articles and columns for market analysis in During 2005 – May 2012 he has joined VBLC and managing training programs and workshops for banking and other sectors as well. And since 2004 he has also active as a national leadership trainer.